Item Title

Item Description

Cornholio's Rap Sheet

Cornholio [NRS]
Level 34
Health:   1,300,599/1,300,599
Cash: $3,388,091
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 8 years, 8 months
Last Seen: 1 day, 20 hours ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Whether I'm active or not, if I see you raiding me I'll Jigsaw and run in your cell myself. Fair warning, get your items elsewhere.

Made by Criminal

They won't let me be number 1

Hide in the lower prisons and NRS is taking your bank money as we'll put it to better use.

Made by the famous PurpleUrkel!

09/30/2022 5:04pm

You break in, and make off with 525 Rolled Blunt, 464 Energy Drink, 437 Bottle of Water, 16 Chocolate Bar, 10 Cheeseburger, 4 Large Chocolate Bar, 15 Health Shake, 4 Rotten Cheeseburger, 65 Turkey Drumstick, 1305 Red Bull, 11 Peanuts, 1427 Large Bottle of Water, 2 Bandages, 1 Token and 1 Hot Dog and $18,334,881 from their bank! You earn 17,200 EXP!

09/30/2022 7:35am

You break in, but you hear rj1919 coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $15,533,256! You earn 18,000 EXP!


You trained using 1,250 energy and gained 20,288 defense and 2,499,482 exp
And it's all protected 😎


Level up, get better gains
09/09/2017 1:25pm
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 26!

01/21/2018 3:31am
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 27!

03/31/2018 5:14pm
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 28!

04/03/2018 8:58am
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 29!

09/24/2020 3:44am
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 30!

08/23/2022 4:09am
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 31!

09/23/2022 2:08am
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 32!

10/23/2022 12:22am
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 33!

10/26/2022 3:16pm
Your hard work is paying off! You've reached level 34!
