Item Title

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00SheN00's Rap Sheet

Level 2
Health:   580/580
Cash: $1,053
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 4 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 7 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Inmate Blurb:
"                                    " "           THE UD-RA
                                                 Army Council                                       Recruiter
                                    kev_the_rev   cormac07                            Countryboy12
                  EAST                             North                                               WEST    
                kgee212                     EmmettDani                                AmericanMafia
           Footsoldiers                    Footsoldiers                                Footsoldiers
          stephenmadden                    Dozzy                                        michaelgfc
            cgiccidan                               85016                                             lilatl
              popenge                           Tdunne                                            steezo            
              xpunk                             Dark Thunder                                      jak915
               562582                           ianross                                               Fringe 
            TheManiac                         mrbee                                           duh_bad_boii       
                Gesicki                       blackychan                                         00SheN00


1.No unauthorised wars
2.update profile EVERYTIME u visit
3.Do not attack fellow gang members or members of allied gangs
4.Tax must be payed every thursday ($500) every week to quartermaster (kev_the_rev)
5.Breaking rules will results in 2k fine then 2nd offence expulsion from gang
6.Do not attack  gang members of ANY gang without prior permission.
7. If any problems go to Brigadiers,Brigadier will come to Army council
Crossing communitys to beat u down.
Allies with:
