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Chino14's Rap Sheet

Level 14
Health:   19,790/19,790
Cash: $14,121
Prison: Arizona
Incarcerated: 1 year, 11 days
Last Seen: 2 hours, 13 minutes ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Raids

You break in, but there ain't shit in here. Why the fuck didn't you spy first? At least you make off with $108,133 You earn 5,600 EXP!

11/19/2023 10:04amYou break in, and make off with 701 Energy Drink, 136 Bottle of Water, 3 Large Chocolate Bar, 12 Bandages, 7 Large Bottle of Water, 151 Red Bull, 2 Hot Dog, 1 2017 Champagne, 1 Peanuts, 1 Health Shake, 5 Chocolate Bar, 74 Rolled Blunt, 1 Raspberry Candy, 1 Chocolate Bunny, 1 Wolf Pelt, 1 Toilet Paper Roll, 1 Empty Water Bottle, 1 Nuts, 1 Lollipop, 1 Jelly Beans, 1 Skeleton Key, 1 Cranberry Juice, 1 Egg Nog, 1 Gator Jerky, 1 Beer, 1 69ers Ball, 1 Adamantium Disc, 1 Flim Flam, 1 Something Old, 1 Something New, 1 Flux Capacitor, 1 Corn, 1 Breadcrumbs, 1 Chocolate Kiss, 3 Cornucopia, 1 Bourbon, 1 Pink Egg, 1 Shamrock Shake, 1 Big Zombie Bone, 1 Tequila, 1 2014 Champagne, 1 Lock Picks, 1 Rare Steak, 1 Cheeseburger, 1 Muller Lite and 1 Candy Cane and $11,964 from their bank! You earn 5,200 EXP!

Haggisbasher attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 42 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.

You break in, but you hear Haggisbasher coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $1,440,908! You earn 5,800 EXP!

You break in, but you hear FoolishFiend coming back and decide to run before he returns! At least you make off with $1,114,660! You earn 5,000 EXP

SavageXPlugz [TRM] attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 38 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
