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Gminus's Rap Sheet

Gminus [OLZ]
Level 32
Health:   1,387,744/1,387,744
Cash: $7,294,603
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 9 days, 5 hours ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" There are killers and there are saviors. There are men who are righteous and men who are evil. Thing's not always easy to tell them apart.

Ambitous [AMB] // 07.22.2023 @ 1:02amDAMMMMMMM MAN CHILL OUT EAT SOME PUSSY BRO

Made by purple urkel

Made by okko

Made by slumpz

Made by purpleurkel

Akira [IRA]
23 minutes, 53 seconds
Lost a fight against Slumpz [ZQO
This guy 😂
The dupe that never sleeps and bots
Akira [IRA] // 07.24.2023 @ 6:16pmthats 90mill trained in 3 days aint gonna help you, i train that in half a day dumb bitch 