Item Title

Item Description

Hsuhsn's Rap Sheet

Level 4
Health:   1,780/1,780
Cash: $51,971
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 14 years, 4 months
Last Seen: 13 years, 4 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:



anyone can join
mug and attack and raid everyone and anyone
HITLIST--attack these people when you get the chance
---Dyelonbird is a fake  
President- Custombuild
Vice Presidents- hippyhair and dontfkwithme 
King_Ging lvl5
pirateface lvl2
RayRizz lVl5
sair lvl6
1220981391 lvl5
Hsuhsn lvl4
dellis lvl5
stabbo lvl2
Jason_Taylor lvl4
Pikkone lvl4
silverchick lvl7
Geddy lvl3
kurpita33  lvl4
caffostabby lvl1
DylanJ lvl2
brogan_89 lvl7
ewilldagreatest lvl3
1220981391 lvl5
GuyMontag lvl5
Monk lvl7
Daleboi lvl6
Hixy lvl6
Pandora lvl5
paablo lvl4
a4allz lvl5
snooki lvl3
nickb lvl5
lilk lvl4
darwick01 lvl4
MRBellamy23 lvl3
moneyman5 lvl7
hippyhair lvl8
dontfkwithme lvl7
custombuild lvl7
Turkeyyhart lvl7



banking system give us money and u get a small protion of it when u
need it and only when u need it and u have to put in more than
10k or 10k to use it. more u put in the better. we will put the people
that have payed under our names to show whos in it. this will help
prevent scamers trying to take some cash and run but we will up date
this every day to keep ya guys up to date on whos in it. 
hippyhair-0k                                                                    dontfkwithme-0k 
Talk with dontfkwithme hes has all the other deatils but unless u know
them just send that cash to what ever person u like we r pretty much
equal so wont matter who has it either way we wont get mugged.  " 