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KingBen's Rap Sheet

KingBen [Z00]
Level 34
Health:   1,407,433/1,407,433
Cash: $55,641,786
Location: South Dakota :: The Yard
Incarcerated: 14 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 2 days, 14 hours ago

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Inmate Blurb:


CONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Moana and the following items: Beer x 19,388 Warden's MuDoo Doll x 47,341 Raw Weed x 77,913 Acorn x 5,035 Rare Steak x 306 2011 Champagne x 1,855 Candy Cane x 788 Paddy's Pint x 2,575 Chocolate Bunny x 167 Health Shake x 124 Red Apple x 3 Cranberry Juice x 12 Cheeseburger x 13 Crunchy Crawdad x 3 Bourbon x 2

CONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a Green Candle and the following items: Lollipop x 111,228 Yellow Egg x 19,167 Raw Weed x 5,746 Paddy's Pint x 16,100 Rotten Cheeseburger x 4,828 Rotten Egg x 3,634 Dried Jerky x 830 Egg Nog x 2,901 Candy Corn x 1,519 Blue Egg x 143 Large Chocolate Bar x 217 2011 Champagne x 51 Gator Jerky x 7 Lock Picks x 3 Red Bull x 1

CONGRATS! You won first prize in this week's lottery! You take home a POPPED! Vinyl: Rudolph and the following items: Turkey Drumstick x 397,409 Raspberry Candy x 80,019 Ruby Slippers x 33,693 6-Pack of Water x 401 Blue Egg x 2,491 Hanako's MuDoo Doll x 6,658 Rotten Hot Dog x 1,177 Cranberry Juice x 257 Hot Dog x 113 Dried Jerky x 144 Chocolate Bunny x 192 Egg Nog x 15 2019 Champagne x 5 Cotton Candy x 13 Bottle of Mead x 10 Warden's MuDoo Doll x 2 Flagon of Wine x 1

CONGRATS! You won second prize in this week's lottery! You've received the following items: Fruit Medley x 150,053 Cherry Pie x 10,502 Pink Egg x 7,559 Large Bottle of Water x 2,542 Raspberry Candy x 1,978 Flagon of Wine x 6,301 Chocolate Bunny x 87 Yellow Egg x 289 Jelly Beans x 665 Chocolate Egg x 7 Rare Steak x 1 2017 Champagne x 1

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your Bloodshot is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your XBOX One S is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your PlayStation VR is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your PS4 Slim is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 200 favors from your account and your Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt2 is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your Switch Pro Controller is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your Switch Pro Controller is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your Mini Grill is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your The Dark Knight Rises is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

I have taken 250 favors from your account and your Felons 2017 MVP Trophy is now protected. Refresh the page and check for it under 'Protected Amenities'

You grabbed someone's confiscated copy of BOO2!! It's now protected and waiting to be placed in your cell!

KingBen took your copy of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul from The Warden's bootleg bin!

You grabbed someone's confiscated copy of 50 Shades Freed! It's now protected and waiting to be placed in your cell!

Mufasa's Hatchimal (Gold) charmed you into forgetting the combo!
The combo was wrong! You run before anyone can catch you. You gained 630 exp for your attempt!

03/22/2017 11:46amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 21!
04/18/2017 4:11amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 22!
06/08/2017 8:53amYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 23!
06/30/2017 5:16pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 24!
07/26/2017 5:53pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 25!
09/11/2017 4:33pmYour hard work is paying off! You've reached level 26!

Winner of PB Training Comp 2017 - 25 mill in 12 hours
