Item Title

Item Description

Pettica's Rap Sheet

Level 4
Health:   1,780/1,780
Cash: $72,314
Prison: New Jersey
Incarcerated: 12 years, 3 months
Last Seen: 11 years, 28 days ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" Corduroy pillows: They're making headlines! ------ Changed on March 22nd, 2013.


If you find yourself using the terms "YOLO" or "Swagg" and you're not being ironic,

kindly fuck off and die instead of messaging me. Thanks!

I think that it should be mandatory to type an amusing reason, before you throw someone on the hit list.

I also think that all those over-sized fucktarded pictures in your profile, that stretch

the page a shit ton, should automatically be replaced with a GIF of you having

male genitalia smacked across your forehead, when you try to upload them.
