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artix's Rap Sheet

artix [DOB]
Level 28
Health:   700,455/700,455
Cash: $3,764,269
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 14 years, 6 months
Last Seen: 21 hours, 20 minutes ago

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Inmate Blurb:


_______________ Busy ATM so no time to play

_______________________ Protected Cell

40KSE: 37990

Lvl 27: HP: 73,100 Energy: 69; Nerve: 111; Stamina: 213
+_5%: HP: _3,655 Energy: _4; Nerve: __6; Stamina: _11
+10%: HP: _7,310 Energy: _7; Nerve: _11; Stamina: _21
+15%: HP: 10,965 Energy: 10; Nerve: _16; Stamina: _32
+20%: HP: 14,620 Energy: 14; Nerve: _22; Stamina: _42

Emoji List

1. Smile is typed : ) or = ) or :- )
2. Frown is typed : (
3. Grin is typed : D or X D
4. Mad is typed >: o
5. Shrug is typed :shrug :
6. Kiss is typed :kiss : or :- *
7. Iffy is typed : / or = /
8. Crying is typed :' (
9. Cool is typed :cool :
10. Silly is typed : p or = p
11. Wink is typed ; )
12. Roll eyes is typed :rolleyes :
13. Shocked is typed = O
14. Rofl is typed ROF L or LMA O
15. X
16. Heart is typed :heart :
17. Pissed is typed :angry :
18. Lol is typed LO L
19. Smh is typed SM H
20. Uncomfortable is typed :- S
21. Bitchslap is typed :bitchslap :
22. Whistle is typed :whistle :
23. Whip is typed :whip :
24. Yayo is typed :yayo :

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