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kimboslice80's Rap Sheet

kimboslice80 [ELS]
Level 32
Health:   1,998,948/1,998,948
Cash: $849,477
Location: South Dakota :: The Yard
Incarcerated: 14 years, 1 month
Last Seen: 1 hour, 19 minutes ago

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Inmate Blurb:


DISCORD Kimboslice80#0416

You catch 6ix9ine [R5], and manage to take $24,055 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 2,207,637,108 EXP!
You catch Visionz [IRA], and manage to take $185,399 in cash from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 3,295,991,410 EXP! 