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For Mentors, new players, and established players

12 years ago  #11
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i made a suggestion either way if it gets rebuffed atleast i tried and u may be right steve i cant see nj market i never thought of that lol

12 years ago  #12
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Originally posted by PsychoSteve I'm not sure how this thread will be received, but I feel like it's been missing.  Following are a few thoughts I've had, and things I've learned as a mentor over the last few weeks.  I hope the other mentors will add their own thoughts in here, and maybe help new players find the person that is a good fit for them.

For New Players

  • Mentors volunteer to help new inmates learn the ropes. In exchange for their kindness, please show them respect.

  • Ask them for help, but do not leech off of them. Do not beg or demand, they are NOT obligated to help you in ANY way.

  • This is not an easy game when you are first starting, but there are a lot of resources all new players should get familiar with, before digging into the game, and especially before mailing and asking another random player for freebies....,, as well as all the stickies in each and every forum.
  • I believe most mentors volunteered because they really did want to help keep new players excited about the game, and keep them coming back, but I'm not sure how many would be willing to send you money, items, or amenities when you've been playing for just a few hours, or even a few days and haven't had time to discover all that Prison Block has to offer.  However, if you've used the resources available to you, I think every one of us would be more than happy to answer any questions you still have.
  • If the others are like me, we don't like to say no, or in more severe cases, ignore your mail all together, so don't be afraid to mail any of us, just try to put a bit of thought into what you want to ask.
For Established Players

  • When someone does mail you asking for items or amenities, or creates a thread on the forums asking for items or amenities, it's not really appreciated to tell them to "contact a mentor".  If you want to help out yourself, I think that's great, talk to a mentor and arrange to have items or cash passed on to new players.  We will take care of it for you, but with anywhere between 4 and 40 mails a day, we can't possibly send things to every single person that contacts us, much less the ones that create a thread asking for help. 
  • Mentors may help you send items to another player that you want to help out, but are under no obligation to do so.  We run the same risk as anyone if for some reason you are marked as dupes with that person.
Me personally

  • As it says, I've played this game for 1 year, 4 months.  I'm in the same time zone as game time, so depending on my schedule, i'm here off and on from 7am until 9 or 10pm.  I asked to become a mentor as soon as the opportunity was available, I was tired of playing hardcore every day, but I was still online most of the time, and have always enjoyed helping new players and watching as they grow over time.  I still look at everything very closely, so if you have any questions about making money or earning favors, questions about other players, training, raiding, or criming, I think I'm a good person to ask.

Q: will you send me xxxxxxx?

A: chances are, if you've been playing less than a week and/or i've never talked to you before, no. 

Q: will you send these items to xxxxxx for me?

A: unless i know you very well, no.  i won't risk getting myself in trouble for anyone.  even for basic items, i'd rather just use my own to avoid the trouble.  i will never send amenities to anyone.

Q: what is the best way to level up quickly?

A: don't be in such a rush.  level won't get you as far in this game as really understanding it will.  if you have to know, mug, but your stats will be awful for your level, and you'll make more enemies along the way than you want.

Q: how can i join a gang?

A: You'll get more invites than you want if you stay active, but take your time and join the right one.  Most good gangs won't recruit until you can at least make it out of New Jersey.  The really good ones won't bother until you can get to Arizona or South Dakota.

Q: Can i join your gang?

A: Definitely no talk to me again in a few months

Q: can you take care of xxxxxx for me?

A: no, i think every single person that's played here has taken their beatings at one time or another.  keep hitting the gym, get stronger than them, and you'll be surprised just how respectful people can be all of a sudden.

Q: can you mentor me?

A: this is the one i get most often, and of course the answer is yes, but i'd prefer if you gave me an actual question.  I do get a lot of mail every day, so playing 20 questions isn't one of my favorite things to do.

In closing, welcome to all the new players.  You have found one of the most in depth games and addictive games on the internet, and you can pretty much abandon all hope, but you're also going to have a lot of fun while you're here, and I do look forward to helping some of you find half as much enjoyment as i've gotten out of Prison Block.

shameless bump, and let me add this to the Q&A...

Q: what's up?

A: nothing

12 years ago  #13
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I used to give new players money and items but to many dupes can spoil a good thing. I will however give them good sound advice and point them towards links to all the threads, and tutorial for them to read. And I also dont just get questions from new players I get questions from lots of players everyday. I live in the same time zone as game time also and work pretty much everyday so during the day Im either on my cellphone or my crappy netbook at work.

My Q&A's

07/26/2011 5:10pm

dawgg do uu do loans and ill pay you back

A. NO!

07/26/2011 4:09pm

heyy man can i have a lot of money plzzzz

A. NO!

07.26.2011 @ 1:23PM:

i need 50 k more money or this guy will keep puitting me in isolation and taking money from me please

A. We all got beat up when we first played. Tell to screw himself and raid his cell.

07/26/2011 1:29pm

heyy dude ermm if its ok id like to ask how to start my own gang

A. If you want to start a going just do it but whos wants to be in a gang where the leader is incarcerated for 4 hours

07/26/2011 1:22pm

can u be my mentor

A Of course but Im not an ATM

07/25/2011 5:56pm

how do i get a job

A. If you read what I told you to you would know the answer

Also If I tell you I wont send you money and you ask me again I will block you I get way to many pm's to keep dealing with that

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12 years ago  #14
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I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

12 years ago  #15
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Originally posted by Koryn I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

My feeling is, we have provided so many resources for new players, that putting more work into representing that info in yet ANOTHER way seems like a waste of man power.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have us working on another prison event ^_~ instead?

You can only lead a horse to water, no?

12 years ago  #16
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Originally posted by SangriaX
Originally posted by Koryn I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

My feeling is, we have provided so many resources for new players, that putting more work into representing that info in yet ANOTHER way seems like a waste of man power.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have us working on another prison event ^_~ instead?

You can only lead a horse to water, no?

Lol SangriaX is right Didn't you hear there making a mission every month so they got bigger and better problems than a stupid quiz

   05/23/2011 1:46pm IZEEKIO attacked you! You won and hospitalized him for 69 minutes! Click here to see the whole battle.
12 years ago  #17
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Originally posted by SangriaX
Originally posted by Koryn I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

My feeling is, we have provided so many resources for new players, that putting more work into representing that info in yet ANOTHER way seems like a waste of man power.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have us working on another prison event ^_~ instead?

You can only lead a horse to water, no?

there is way more than enough resources around for players... i do have some plans for the 4k eds scarlet payed for me to be her pet for a day... and this quiz might be an alright idea for that Koryn... private message me and maybe we can work on something

12 years ago  #18
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Originally posted by SangriaX
Originally posted by Koryn I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

My feeling is, we have provided so many resources for new players, that putting more work into representing that info in yet ANOTHER way seems like a waste of man power.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have us working on another prison event ^_~ instead?

You can only lead a horse to water, no?

You can push some of these horses right into the water and they still wouldn't know what to do. But you are absolutely right, I don't think there's anything left that you as the game designers can do to help.

12 years ago  #19
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Originally posted by killman1002
Originally posted by SangriaX
Originally posted by Koryn I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

My feeling is, we have provided so many resources for new players, that putting more work into representing that info in yet ANOTHER way seems like a waste of man power.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have us working on another prison event ^_~ instead?

You can only lead a horse to water, no?

Lol SangriaX is right Didn't you hear there making a mission every month so they got bigger and better problems than a stupid quiz

Coming from you, the suggestion that my idea is stupid is a compliment. So forgive me if I'm not deterred by your criticism.

12 years ago  #20
Level 8
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Originally posted by Koryn
Originally posted by killman1002
Originally posted by SangriaX
Originally posted by Koryn I still think it's a good idea to have a quiz that you can take on prisonblock rules and features with cash and item rewards. I can't find the thread where it was first suggested, but it would most likely encourage people to learn on their own.

My feeling is, we have provided so many resources for new players, that putting more work into representing that info in yet ANOTHER way seems like a waste of man power.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have us working on another prison event ^_~ instead?

You can only lead a horse to water, no?

Lol SangriaX is right Didn't you hear there making a mission every month so they got bigger and better problems than a stupid quiz

Coming from you, the suggestion that my idea is stupid is a compliment. So forgive me if I'm not deterred by your criticism.

I think the idea is a good one, I couldn't call it stupid. Overkill maybe? haha.


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