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Level up system: Amenities

5 years ago  #1
Level 28
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Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 12 years, 9 months
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So a couple of days back I was looking at ceremonial weapons and it dawned on me, why don't we have an evolution or level up system on other amenities? So here is the premise:

General idea:

Inmates would be able to level up amenities based on different activities that are already part of current game system, it will boost or change stats on those amenities and will carry on up to certain level (i.e. level 10).

How does it work?

Like I said each amenity will level up depending on certain activity, for example Toilets level up when u train stats, Roast Turkeys level up when u fight others a certain amount, Red candles level up if u mug people a certain amount. See example section


Toilet level 1: 10 NRG

(Train 1 million Stats)

Toilet Level 2: 11 NRG 5 STM

Red Candle level 1: 3% Speed

(Mug 500 Inmates)

Red Candle level 2: 5% Speed

Similarly back pack amens will boost on yard activities, defense amens will boost if ur attacker loses to u and so on.

Side Notes:

While it may sound unnecessary but I have some conditions in my mind

- This system doesn't work for DVDs, Games, Consoles and Accessories.

- Once u level up an amenity it will go to unprotected section.

- Just like u have different options on amens like "use", "sell", "protect", you may have an option "level up" so that a certain amenity will be affected by it and u keep ur reg ones as it is.

- You may wanna use certain number of amenities to level up 1 unit (for example 10x bag of coals to make 1 bag of coal that levels up)

Why this idea would work?

Based on the proposed system I think it will increase the activity of players and will help adding a new dimension to the game.

- it will also help to reduces inflated amenities as u level up those turn into a new amenity hence it'll cut them in amount.

- it will boost the marketplace.

- it will speed up the gameplay when u get nice boosts.

I hope ithis suggestion adds something to the community. Peace.

5 years ago  #2
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Gang: War Ready
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Wow, nicely presented. This suggestion never came to my mind when I myself think of ways this game can improve.

I’m trying figure out a draw back if this ever got implemented, but I can’t lol.

1 thing I want to add to this is: the levels and boost each amen can possibly give/have should determine on the level of how rare they are.

So basically a “very common” amen would differ in how many levels they ca achieve and how big their boost is each level compared to a “very rare” amen.

This premise is a really good one and would definitely be cool. Very promising suggestion for sure


Last edited by AceDinero 5 years ago

5 years ago  #3
Level 28
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Originally posted by AceDinero Wow, nicely presented. This suggestion never came to my mind when I myself think of ways this game can improve.

I’m trying figure out a draw back if this ever got implemented, but I can’t lol.

1 thing I want to add to this is: the levels and boost each amen can possibly give/have should determine on the level of how rare they are.

So basically a “very common” amen would differ in how many levels they ca achieve and how big their boost is each level compared to a “very rare” amen.

This premise is a really good one and would definitely be cool. Very promising suggestion for sure


Thank u Ace, yeah they could figure out so many parameters on how diverse this level up system can be but it will definitely not only balance the game in amenity area but also add more ways to play this game other than hitting gym which is what mainly everyone is doing at this phase of the game.

5 years ago  #4
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Gang: The Vile Animals
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Darksoul, Amazing suggestion.. Shame its falling on deaf ears at the moment

5 years ago  #5
Level 28
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Prison: South Dakota
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Originally posted by KingBen Darksoul, Amazing suggestion.. Shame its falling on deaf ears at the moment

yeah probably never gonna see the day light but i couldn't resist the urge to share it anyways. well nothing new on deaf ears cuz i made another suggestion on Missions 5 years ago that never ended up as a system until they put ready player one dvds on market (basically my idea turned into DVD stats) if that was a system which understandably is not an easy job (but they still did it right?) then it'd make it more viable to all players to play the game and earn prizes on equal opportunity. But nope... now all top dogs have tons of RP1s and gap between rich and poor is massive that was supposed to be otherwise. link to that is below:


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