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Mission Impossible

5 years ago  #1
Level 35
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Gang: Guidos
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I saw you asked for ideas on this dvd and some mentioned making it similar to RP1. Instead of making it another amen that "gives" us something how about making it to where we can use it on others? So for instance if I was at war with someone I could choose to use it on them and they are thrown into iso/infirm or wherever, and the only way for them to get out would be to complete the mission? 

I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for this but we've got enough amens now that give us free shit in my opinion and having another war tool such as jigsaw and annabelle would be pretty cool. There's obviously a lot more work involved and things to work out with what is suggested above but feel like it would add something a little different besides another free giveaway.

5 years ago  #2
Level 37
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thats a great idea there defo needs to be more in terms of getting revenge on people and the thought of giving someone hard as fuck mission to get out iso would be pretty funny would defo ruffle a few feathers lol

5 years ago  #3
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Cool idea, only hurdle I see is you can’t do certain things like crime, train, raid, dig while in iso/infirm.

5 years ago  #4
Level 35
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Originally posted by neo88 Cool idea, only hurdle I see is you can’t do certain things like crime, train, raid, dig while in iso/infirm.

That's some of "The things to work out". I threw the iso/infirm out as an idea but maybe it could just lock down certain features until mission completed such as no gym or can't enter cell. It would take more time for Mu to add something to where only the task in the mission is unlocked such as crime xxxx amount and warden is open to crime but others are disabled such as gym, cell, and SB maybe?

It's probably not something that can be done over the weekend but just figured I'd throw an idea out that doesn't involve free shit or huge Nrg/Stam.

5 years ago  #5
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And if the missions are hard (like a 50/50 chance of completing/or harder) it can be a risk/reward amen to use. On one hand you can use it on an enemy to lock them down for a bit but if they happen to complete it they get an award. That way it would maybe make you think twice about using it.

5 years ago  #6
Level 29
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Originally posted by TONYMONGUIDOJr I saw you asked for ideas on this dvd and some mentioned making it similar to RP1. Instead of making it another amen that "gives" us something how about making it to where we can use it on others? So for instance if I was at war with someone I could choose to use it on them and they are thrown into iso/infirm or wherever, and the only way for them to get out would be to complete the mission? 

I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for this but we've got enough amens now that give us free shit in my opinion and having another war tool such as jigsaw and annabelle would be pretty cool. There's obviously a lot more work involved and things to work out with what is suggested above but feel like it would add something a little different besides another free giveaway.

As far as throwing you in iso it wouldn't work seeing how anyone who loads 50 shades freed could bust out or if you use fireworks to break free.. just as when my threw gelato in iso for couple months and smokebox kept breaking him out.

5 years ago  #7
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Originally posted by JPISTOLINO The real mission impossible is making a dvd that no one will complain about. However u make it just make all who receive sign a waiver that if they complain or say anything negative about it then it gets confiscated for good. Or it becomes unprotected. Lmao. Your mission has started. Good luck

no disrespect jp but that comment had no relevance to this thread's topic.

This battle tactic mission DVD idea sounds like a cool idea though. But what struck out to me the most is like what neo mentioned, how is the target suppose to do the mission if hes in iso or infirm? Unless mu would create a whole new location as to where the target would go where so he can do the missions of raiding/criming/searching and etc

which I don't see mufasa doing tbh.

but this has absolute potential of branching off into other things that could be just as fun participating in.

Last edited by AceDinero 5 years ago

5 years ago  #8
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Originally posted by FlyHigh

Originally posted by TONYMONGUIDOJr I saw you asked for ideas on this dvd and some mentioned making it similar to RP1. Instead of making it another amen that "gives" us something how about making it to where we can use it on others? So for instance if I was at war with someone I could choose to use it on them and they are thrown into iso/infirm or wherever, and the only way for them to get out would be to complete the mission? 

I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for this but we've got enough amens now that give us free shit in my opinion and having another war tool such as jigsaw and annabelle would be pretty cool. There's obviously a lot more work involved and things to work out with what is suggested above but feel like it would add something a little different besides another free giveaway.

As far as throwing you in iso it wouldn't work seeing how anyone who loads 50 shades freed could bust out or if you use fireworks to break free.. just as when my threw gelato in iso for couple months and smokebox kept breaking him out.

Add something like the zombie effect till they get done, shit have a dvd we do stuff to "charge" it up then we can use it on em or something

R.I.P BigLou 6/21/18 7:20 pm
5 years ago  #9
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I think something simpler would be give them a hard mission, if they pass, small reward, fail and then something like long iso/infirm/clear cell etc

5 years ago  #10
Level 35
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Originally posted by Mufasa I think something simpler would be give them a hard mission, if they pass, small reward, fail and then something like long iso/infirm/clear cell etc

Originally posted by Mufasa I think something simpler would be give them a hard mission, if they pass, small reward, fail and then something like long iso/infirm/clear cell etc

That's perfect actually, as long as it something we can target a specific person instead of just random I'm all for it. Thanks Boss


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