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Raiding bug

4 years ago  #71
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Originally posted by KingBen
Originally posted by markdjdeans16 See Avenger we ain't all bandits I asked first 😁

In fairness you, munk, nispey and crim are the only exceptions.. the rest of COM are thieving little cunts.. especially that pussy Jpiss who just paid others to do his work because he is 100% bitch but its fine.. we took back all we needed plus the rest to balance the scales plus we made chang become basically inactive so we're happy with that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Name something I stole from you......I'm waiting

4 years ago  #72
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Originally posted by KingBen
Originally posted by markdjdeans16 See Avenger we ain't all bandits I asked first 😁

In fairness you, munk, nispey and crim are the only exceptions.. the rest of COM are thieving little cunts.. especially that pussy Jpiss who just paid others to do his work because he is 100% bitch but its fine.. we took back all we needed plus the rest to balance the scales plus we made chang become basically inactive so we're happy with that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

😭 guess I was posed to let u run in my cell with no retaliation. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Last edited by JPISTOLINO 4 years ago[/im
4 years ago  #73
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I’m sure the 4 events from you this war has weighed heavy on Chang’s decision to play or not kingb.[/im
4 years ago  #74
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Originally posted by JPISTOLINO I’m sure the 4 events from you this war has weighed heavy on Chang’s decision to play or not kingb.

Tell him thanks for all the protected rp1s he so generously gave.. com haven't done nothing.. that dupe nick got most of my items I didnt send away and then you bought them you fool so stop acting you like did a fucking thing! Well you did hand me items from my spiderman DVDs when you failed to raid πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

4 years ago  #75
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Originally posted by KingBen
Originally posted by JPISTOLINO I’m sure the 4 events from you this war has weighed heavy on Chang’s decision to play or not kingb.

Tell him thanks for all the protected rp1s he so generously gave.. com haven't done nothing.. that dupe nick got most of my items I didnt send away and then you bought them you fool so stop acting you like did a fucking thing! Well you did hand me items from my spiderman DVDs when you failed to raid πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘πŸΎ No complaints here. But the way you ranting you sounding more mad than anything. make up your mind did I pay someone to raid you or did I just buy items and you got mad? This whole war been bullshit from the jump. There are no winners here. Everyone of us have lost something or been forced to alter how they want to play

Last edited by JPISTOLINO 4 years ago[/im
4 years ago  #76
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Mark a will be up at yer gaff I’m 2 hours wae petro bombs wit ye sayin now ya sheep shagger πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

4 years ago  #77
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09/23/2019 3:53amAvengerNKJ took your copy of Game Night from The Warden's bootleg bin! And you call us bandits smh

4 years ago  #78
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@Highlander let me know fan yer 10 mins away so I can make sure it's just the missus that inπŸ₯³

4 years ago  #79
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Originally posted by Mufasa
Originally posted by Pistol22 First of all aint nobody crying, i thought shit had to reset for 10 or 15 minutes per raid

You're right. Unsure why that code was commented out. It's back to 30mins per cell.

Originally posted by Mufasa
Originally posted by phoenix1971 It is 30 mins per cell but if u crack it it resets it.. just tried it.. 2 people 1 getting the combo the other breaking in you can instantly repeat this process until u get old n grey or they have nothing left...

Yes, it's always supposed to reset after you crack the cell. What wasn't supposed to happen was the ability to try another combo shortly after trying a failed combo.

Yes, as always, if you work with others, you can crack a cell quickly. Nothing new there.

@Mu has this been fixed or not as i had it happen to me just recently where 1 person attempt to raid me then a minute later they busted into my cell. And a few times the attempt they did and them getting into my cell was the exact same time.. This went on for nearly an hour..

03/14/2020 5:58pmxxxxxxxx raided your cell and ran off with 1 Shamrock Shake and 1 Melon Candy and $2,446,943 from your bank! The Warden has changed your Cell Combo.

03/14/2020 5:58pmxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:58pmxxxxxxxxx raided your cell and ran off with 1 Shamrock Shake and 1 Melon Candy and $2,446,943 from your bank! The Warden has changed your Cell Combo.

03/14/2020 5:58pmxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:58pmxxxxxxxx raided your cell and ran off with 1 Empty Water Bottle and 1 Rotten Hot Dog and $3,084,382 from your bank! The Warden has changed your Cell Combo.

03/14/2020 5:57pmxxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:57pmxxxxxxxx raided your cell and ran off with 1 Green Beer and 1 Goblet of Mead and $2,284,727 from your bank! The Warden has changed your Cell Combo.

03/14/2020 5:56pmxxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

And even attempted raids multiply times with-in 1-3 minutes time.

03/14/2020 5:48pmxxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:47pmxxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:44pmxxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:43pmxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:41pmxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:38pmxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

03/14/2020 5:37pmxxxxxxxx tried to raid your cell, but he got your combo wrong!

4 years ago  #80
Level 29
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I experienced this from the same person a few weeks ago. Raided me 43 times in an hour without any help from anyone else.


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