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5 years ago  #41
Level 29
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Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 7 years, 6 months
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I was just saying if caught should be brought down to avg stats for lowest lvl of that prison. I know the time he was caught roughly a year ago wasn't just crimes tho. As when certain people was mugging and attacking to find this out at the time he was in the gym already using the cash. But either way idc. I just mentioning the idea for future references that if one is caught using bot or whatever they should automatically be dropped to average stats of lowest lvl in that prison. My opinion and suggestion.

5 years ago  #42
Level 43
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Nah , i remember very well THE EXECUTIONER was the same stats with me when he was put in mental breakdown, but reason was for criming , and he didn't played the RENN FAIR PART 2 , but the HAllowen he played last day . And i also remember very clear that was beat continue by dayna , hanako and neo 88. After THE EXECUTIONER went to zoo the atacks stops , and he start training and beat now all 3 . THAT"S THE WHOLE HISTORY

5 years ago  #43
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Originally posted by Mufasa So to clarify, are we now saying that I need to thoroughly explain why I give folks extra chances? Or? If so, does that apply to everyone that has been unbanned? Or just this case because he's unliked and hard to currently beat? With the logic flowing here, every person I've unbanned, I did so because they spent money? Should I only unban folks who don't spend?

Seriously, take a step back and think to yourself here WHY you're so enraged -- because from my perspective, I see folks basically pissed at a player and finding a way to justify their removal by spinning their own narratives.

Then why was scaryG banned and firesaled for doing the exact same thing?? Does seem like itโ€™s all money related

5 years ago  #44
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Fuck sake stag, scary g was caught botting stats not crimes like Chang, BIG DIFFERENCE apparently ๐Ÿ˜‚

People always say you are what you eat, but I can't recall eating a fucking legend
5 years ago  #45
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Originally posted by Lord_Dong Fuck sake stag, scary g was caught botting stats not crimes like Chang, BIG DIFFERENCE apparently ๐Ÿ˜‚

Gotcha, and for your info before you go on it Mu me and Chang are good, just seems a bit like the old times pick your favourites and ban the ones that donโ€™t pay your bills...

5 years ago  #46
Level 29
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sure it does. because you're looking at it from the perspective of "I want my friend unbanned, and I'll use whatever logic necessary to get what I want"

the goalposts here keep moving. This thread is done. I've addressed the issue and countered misinformation from the pot stirrers with facts. If there's another issue, PM me or make your own thread. Let's not try to piggyback something else for your own gain.


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