Item Title

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JonothonBlea's Rap Sheet

Level 9
Health:   8,440/8,440
Cash: $25,766
Prison: Putnam
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Last Seen: 12 years, 8 months ago

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Inmate Blurb:

" The Warden busted you popping in a bootleg DVD! He confiscated it and threw you in isolation for 3 minutes!
e good work! The warden grants you 24 favors
You've done good work! The warden grants you 32 favors
You catch homielildowner, and manage to take $7,452 in cash and a Large Bottle of Water from him. You decide to beat the shit out of him for good measure. You earn 3024 EXP!OVERALL:22
yeveryone want heaven but noone want dead, well i here bringing devistation
08/28/2010 11:53am
You break in, and make off with a a Energy Drink, a Large Bottle of Water, a Bottle of Water, a Large Chocolate Bar, a Cranberry Juice, a Rolled Blunt, a Candy Corn and $3,547 from their bank! You earn 317 EXP!
You've done good work! The warden grants you 74 favors
You break in, and make off with a Energy Drink, a Large Bottle of Water and $2,778 from their bank! You earn 211 EXP!
You break in, and make off with a Raw Weed, a Health Shake and $17,250 from their bank! You earn 320 EXP!

JonothonBlea said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:47PM:

mad cause my vocabulary stylin on the syndicate huh. figured illiterate bitch boy

snaps said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:46PM:

blah blah goes the little failure bitch

JonothonBlea said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:45PM:

you trying toast sophisticated and percipient but in real life your just a waste of space you fuk tard

snaps said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:43PM:

you are nuthin more than one of many meaningless children in the game. none cares what you say cause you are an ineffectual nothing

JonothonBlea said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:41PM:

fuk u and ur clique homie. fake gangsters. "you will pay for a long time" lmfao

snaps said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:40PM:

i didnt tell her nuthin. and i dont need to ask your puny, bitch ass for nuthin. you made a mistake and you will pay for a long time

JonothonBlea said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:38PM:

oh well. u could have came tome as a man instead of sending your scoundrel. but its cool man. next time ask me

snaps said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:37PM:

you put shit on my auction

JonothonBlea said on 01.30.2011 @ 1:36PM:

u fukin wit me cus ur bitch friend dayna?
