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I need an answer

11 years ago  #1
Level 14
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Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 11 years, 7 months
Posts: 762

my computer is on its last legs  but I have an unused laptop.if I made a new account on the laptop and never came back onto this account but told people that i'd made the account  would that be legal or would I get banned?no bullshit I want a straight answer from one of the gaurds or someone who knows for sure if it's okay or not

11 years ago  #2
Level 35
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Prison: South Dakota
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you would get banned. why not just log onto this account from your new laptop?

11 years ago  #3
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Originally posted by theman246810 my computer is on its last legs  but I have an unused laptop.if I made a new account on the laptop and never came back onto this account but told people that i'd made the account  would that be legal or would I get banned?no bullshit I want a straight answer from one of the gaurds or someone who knows for sure if it's okay or not

You should still be under the same IP, no worries man!!

11 years ago  #4
Level 35
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Originally posted by theman246810 my computer is on its last legs  but I have an unused laptop.if I made a new account on the laptop and never came back onto this account but told people that i'd made the account  would that be legal or would I get banned?no bullshit I want a straight answer from one of the gaurds or someone who knows for sure if it's okay or not

lol this is against the rules

11 years ago  #5
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Prison: South Dakota
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well i guess he aint gone fall for it now!!

how can he even think about doing sum shit,and posting it

11 years ago  #6
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Lol like saying ' hey staff imma make a new acct cuz my pc broke but don't ban me'

11 years ago  #7
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11 years ago  #8
Level 14
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Prison: South Dakota
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so i'll take that as a no.everyone here I said no bullshit just wanted you to say if thats legal or not I won't now

11 years ago  #9
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Prison: New Jersey
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only one account u dupe bitch

11 years ago  #10
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Prison: South Dakota
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Sopihia [ABH] // 03.21.2013 @ 7:26am yeah

ahcheela [BWS] // 03.21.2013 @ 7:26am lala u still in here?


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