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Level required in marketplace

14 years ago  #1
Level 11
Status: offline
Prison: Arizona
Incarcerated: 14 years, 9 months
Posts: 13

With the weapons and armour being locked until you reach a certain level wouldnt it make sense to also include that information when you look in the second hand market, as well as the original shop price?


There are many items in there and there is no way to know if :


A) I can currently use the item, or if i'm even close to being able to

B) The price set is a bargain, or like most of  the things in there the same price as the actual shop.

14 years ago  #2
Level 29
Status: offline
Gang: Evil Empire
Prison: Louisiana
Incarcerated: 15 years, 2 months
Posts: 6,800

Good point. I think the original assumption was that you went into the market knowing what you wanted and looking for it cheaper. I can add comparison stats to the TODO tho


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