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Punkrock/HC - am i the only one here?

12 years ago  #211
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

she might be old now, but she can rock and she's still damn hot... i would be her dog anytime...

12 years ago  #212
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

this is from their last good lp, EVERYTHING came out after this was crap... so sorry to say, but most bands became total shit when they got famous... seems to be right that creativity and poverty going hand in hand... does this makes sence?

12 years ago  #213
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

what's going on with old punkrockers these days? i mean even the oldest and dumbest shithead should have realized that EVERYONE has a mobile phone with a cam in it. and barely everyone gonna use it to film everything going around. media overloaded society... anyway when i know i could caught on hd while playing a gig i don't dress like that. seriously, rikk agnew was and is a legend, playing in very ealry social distortion, adolescents, d.i., even christian death's first album and where else not this guy is really a talent and genius. but seriously, why he has to wear that stuff? one leg is shorter that the other of his fluffy i think it's a pyjama and then his hat. and his shoes? i can't even call this real shoes... so sad... at least he seems to have fun...

12 years ago  #214
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

You break in to jimmybonez's cell, grab his Wii, one of every one of his items, and make a dash for the door! You earn 2,000 EXP!

12 years ago  #215
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

once again smogtown... can't get enough...

12 years ago  #216
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

yeah, last night i was on a gig of sonny vincent... great pure punkrocksweating guy, started around '76 and still rocking... always changing backing band, yesterday the drummer was a very young guy (and his style or the lack of it stack out), the guitar dude was most likely mr. benadette from the gee strings, the bass player - i don't know but he's doing his job very good. including back vox...

old sonny vincent played a fullminante set, including songs from all period and decades... i had 4,5h of sleep before the damn clock ringed and i had to go to work... now hanging hangovered around, letting the day passing buy...

12 years ago  #217
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

what is wrong with this astroboy? why there ain't great punkrocktunes for even more pleasure?

well ladies & gentlemen, real life (hu, what's this?) keeps me busy... girl,family, work including shithead upper management, such a search for new jobs, etc... aaaaaaaaaaaaaand not to mention my so called social life... what could i had slept in all these hours in the nights but i was out, meeting friends, drinking beers, listening to punkrock... oh well, it's not alwasy easy to be such a humble drecksack...

12 years ago  #218
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

these guys get hyped everywhere, one of the very few bands which is "famous" (and with famous i mean punkrockfamous = 200 people are knowing about your band and 12 of them bought your record, 10 liked your band on facebook, one has even bought a shirt from your merchstand)

12 years ago  #219
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

tuesday night, i was out to see once again FUCKED UP from canada... nothing really new, great music, naked fat singer... i didn't need to get up the next morning so i drank beer. a lot of it. you know, original german beer is the shit... after the gig i went to the aftershow party... yes, i drank more beer there... so hammered, it's years ago that i drank so much. even without a reason, just for the fun of it... for a wonder i found my way home, even took my bike with me... unfortunately i was so loud, i woke up my gf... the next day i was soooooooooooooo damn hangovered.... i regreted every single beer...

12 years ago  #220
Level 19
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Gang: Dackelblut
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 10 months
Posts: 1,086

all these homophobic fuckheads here... what's wrong with beeing homosexual? no, i'm not gay myself but i still don't get it. what's wrong with beeing queer? who cares about with whom someone else shares the bed? so sad that people are harassed because of their sexual orientation... fuckers...


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