The WTF-does-this-do OR How-the-fuck-does-this-work thread
I am tired of questions around how certain dvds work or what certain dvds do... so are making a thread where people can ask questions...
So for starters... the Spiderman home coming... does it help you take items from peoples cell if you have it in or does it help you stop other people from taking stuff from your items
By design, spiderman is supposed to steal items from folks trying to raid you.
Omg thank you!!!
how long is a cell marked for with annabelle ?
is it only marked with sending money? And can you unmark it
someone told me its marked by market purchases too so these questions would be amazing in helping us understand how it works ill look forward to hearing the answers
is it only marked with sending money? And can you unmark it
someone told me its marked by market purchases too so these questions would be amazing in helping us understand how it works ill look forward to hearing the answers
Yes it is why i made the thread...
Just because the thread exists, doesn't mean I'm going to sit here and host QA night lol. Figure some of it out for yourselves
Cool i like this idea. If someone figures something new out they post here correct @hanako ?
dead easy, just put wtf each thing does in the description... more information needed yet again. we are here to play against eachother not work out what magical wonders each new amenity brings.
feel like everything i say in here is negative, why do you think that is?
A) is it because im a dick?
B) am i just fed up of what is percived to be a clique of players given handouts for hand jobs?
C) do i feel like weve went over the lack of information before?
D) is it because im not a member of the clique?
E) or is it ive hit my target and no longer wish to play against the warden.
F) other
answers on a postcard addressed to
Lord_Dong the peoples champion
south dakota
cell 13
thank you for your time and i look forward to some witty banter as to my reasoning.
best F) other answer wins a prize
Last edited by Lord_Dong 7 years ago