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Bot check

7 years ago  #31
Level 28
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Could go the lazy route like the cell page and just have a random opaque overlay load in so you have to click specific spots on the buttons.

7 years ago  #32
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I really have no clue how they even work but I'm sure that unless you make it completely random some of these computer nerds will figure out/or can figure out a way to circumvent it. By making it completely random i.e. just appearing then disappearing I do feel it would slow things down quite a bit though. Not sure how doing so affects the server though. Why not just do it the old fashion way and attack the person you suspect and if they stay at 0 sec last seen while in icu you know whats If they respond back with msg or last seen goes up they're more than likely not botting, why would anyone sit in front of the computer the whole time while botting anyways when they could just as easily do it themselves and not risk it.

7 years ago  #33
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you're right tony, that is a way to catch someone. heck thats how we caught jagans sister. but who back in the day dared would have tested dem? you signing up for a beating. and who is about to test boogie? maybe you catch him cheating, but most likely you just sign yourself up for endless ass kickings

7 years ago  #34
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Well it's safe to say I doubt anyone of that lvl is going to be botting after all the hard work they put in. I'm more talking about people you guys may be worried about that are on the come up (which is what I got from reading the original posts). What I should have said was if any of you high ranking members feel someone is cheating feel free to take it upon yourselves to do a quick bot check, and return any cash taken if you receive a response back or last seen goes up is all. I think playing around with things popping up more frequently may have an adverse affect on lag is all I'm saying and the way my gameplay has been since SB event I don't think I could handle it getting any

7 years ago  #35
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I said I wouldnt post anymore and this will for sure be my last one on this topic because Ive been here long enough to know that when certain people want things to happen on here it just magically happens like seeing a rainbow come out of a unicorns ass.

First off, I dont feel like this was about me, although I have come to find out that people believe I have used a bot.

Second, when I KNOW its about someone that Ive gotten to know on here and off of the game and I know they arent cheating or thinking of a way to get around a check (Squeeze is too dumb, not gonna sugarcoat it) Im gonna say something about it.

Third, I simply made a comment about how the bot check works, which NONE of us should even be talking about because some little shit will see this and then they will bot, plain and simple.

Forth, I dont appreciate how people from K had to come in here and try to be all "I train yata yata, x amount" and this is how it is. I think thats absolute horseshit. Nobody to my knowledge accused Andy of cheating when he put up 60+ ( something Ive still yet to do), everyone was quick to praise and bow down to the training chief. Regardless of my third grade education I can still read.

Fifth, if anyone was cheating it was during that down time the block had and the time to "catch a cheater" has come and gone. Theres no need to complicate code on this game and make it possibly lag more for certain players that experience lag. I was one of the first players to get a bot check, PERIOD, and I did click it once out of curiosity but I figured out quick it wasnt meant for me to click that so Ive tried to stop (Ill still click it every now and again, just happens.

Sixth, when you wanna put a check on and essentially slow down people that are coming back to play the game its just going to drive people away again, not because they are cheating and cant bear to train, because they cant stand the fucking lag. This game ran smooth as a babys ass with 10 people online but take a step back and ask yourself if you want the game to grow or not. If not, lets push for more checks, more lag and add that on top of having to buy amens from mostly (not all) greedy people on here trying to subsidize their income by playing a browser game.

Lastly, mugging someone or attacking them and having them not respond sounds like some shit I would do. If someone was on my ass and I knew they wouldnt let up because they wanna see who can piss farther Im not going to stop training to talk to you or stop training to basically do anything, theres just no point to it. Im really disappointed this thread was made TBH and whether anyone says it or not its clearly because of that training list, end of story.

With that being said, I know that the purpose of this thread will be accomplished because thats how this games always been and in recent months its gone back to the way it was years ago where certain people always get the new shit, jack up prices and make a fucking living on here while others do the right thing, buy respect, favors FROM THE WARDEN and they are put on the back burner because why the fuck would you give shit like dvds and new amens to players who PAY for their favors FROM THE WARDEN?? The game would go down the shitter in no time if people that bought thier respect and favs actually got something when they saw joe in the yard. Ive gotten only the shittiest DVDs when I see joe and there are players that mug and buy from joe without a problem and then resell to make their come up. I know Im not a fan favorite of the staffs but thats just how I see things from my point of view. Heaven forbid I get to train without lag because thats ALL i get to enjoy out of this game. Buying favors to get the shit i have or paying out of pocket is tiresome but yet again here I am, deck stacked against me or not.

Again, not here to pick a fight or argue its just that this thread is ill timed and clearly aimed at a single player. Boogie knows Ive got mad respect for him but people not involved directly in this conversation think this shits dumb as fuck, as do I. I just wanted to put my two cents in on the matter.. Since staffs back AND active I have all the faith in them to make a decision if they think someone is cheating on here or not. No I didnt proofread so sorry about the rambling and possible run on sentence festival I just wrote.

7 years ago  #36
Level 35
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Originally posted by Spinelli I said I wouldnt post anymore and this will for sure be my last one on this topic because Ive been here long enough to know that when certain people want things to happen on here it just magically happens like seeing a rainbow come out of a unicorns ass.

First off, I dont feel like this was about me, although I have come to find out that people believe I have used a bot.

Second, when I KNOW its about someone that Ive gotten to know on here and off of the game and I know they arent cheating or thinking of a way to get around a check (Squeeze is too dumb, not gonna sugarcoat it) Im gonna say something about it.

Third, I simply made a comment about how the bot check works, which NONE of us should even be talking about because some little shit will see this and then they will bot, plain and simple.

Forth, I dont appreciate how people from K had to come in here and try to be all "I train yata yata, x amount" and this is how it is. I think thats absolute horseshit. Nobody to my knowledge accused Andy of cheating when he put up 60+ ( something Ive still yet to do), everyone was quick to praise and bow down to the training chief. Regardless of my third grade education I can still read.

Fifth, if anyone was cheating it was during that down time the block had and the time to "catch a cheater" has come and gone. Theres no need to complicate code on this game and make it possibly lag more for certain players that experience lag. I was one of the first players to get a bot check, PERIOD, and I did click it once out of curiosity but I figured out quick it wasnt meant for me to click that so Ive tried to stop (Ill still click it every now and again, just happens.

Sixth, when you wanna put a check on and essentially slow down people that are coming back to play the game its just going to drive people away again, not because they are cheating and cant bear to train, because they cant stand the fucking lag. This game ran smooth as a babys ass with 10 people online but take a step back and ask yourself if you want the game to grow or not. If not, lets push for more checks, more lag and add that on top of having to buy amens from mostly (not all) greedy people on here trying to subsidize their income by playing a browser game.

Lastly, mugging someone or attacking them and having them not respond sounds like some shit I would do. If someone was on my ass and I knew they wouldnt let up because they wanna see who can piss farther Im not going to stop training to talk to you or stop training to basically do anything, theres just no point to it. Im really disappointed this thread was made TBH and whether anyone says it or not its clearly because of that training list, end of story.

With that being said, I know that the purpose of this thread will be accomplished because thats how this games always been and in recent months its gone back to the way it was years ago where certain people always get the new shit, jack up prices and make a fucking living on here while others do the right thing, buy respect, favors FROM THE WARDEN and they are put on the back burner because why the fuck would you give shit like dvds and new amens to players who PAY for their favors FROM THE WARDEN?? The game would go down the shitter in no time if people that bought thier respect and favs actually got something when they saw joe in the yard. Ive gotten only the shittiest DVDs when I see joe and there are players that mug and buy from joe without a problem and then resell to make their come up. I know Im not a fan favorite of the staffs but thats just how I see things from my point of view. Heaven forbid I get to train without lag because thats ALL i get to enjoy out of this game. Buying favors to get the shit i have or paying out of pocket is tiresome but yet again here I am, deck stacked against me or not.

Again, not here to pick a fight or argue its just that this thread is ill timed and clearly aimed at a single player. Boogie knows Ive got mad respect for him but people not involved directly in this conversation think this shits dumb as fuck, as do I. I just wanted to put my two cents in on the matter.. Since staffs back AND active I have all the faith in them to make a decision if they think someone is cheating on here or not. No I didnt proofread so sorry about the rambling and possible run on sentence festival I just wrote.

I'm not going to read all this. I just saw the part about me aiming this at one person. Well you are wrong Spin and that's the bottom line. Who would I be worried about? If I thought it was someone in particular I would just smash them. The fact that we already have a bot check and just want to make it more efficient just seams logical. If you're going to have it make sure it works well. If it messes up the game then it can always be taken out.

7 years ago  #37
Level 37
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Bot check right now is flawed, id like to see someone argue that logically. As it stands you can crime for 15 minutes to get the bot check up then start your bot. If you continue training with no breaks the bot check button doesn't disappear. Plain and simple, yeah if you take a break then it will go off then back on at some point. But guess what a bot doesnt take breaks, it doesnt read mail it doesnt take a shit, it doesnt stop for a snack it would just continue. So back to the point that the bot check wouldnt technically stop someone from botting if thats what they choose to do. The bot check will not catch anyone with half a brain, you do not need to be smart. So either get rid of it or make it tad more random.This is a legitimate suggestion for the suggestion box. I doubt MU does any training so he wouldnt see how this thing is set up. Easy to curb if you really wanted to cheat. This not about squeeze or Karnage, just a suggestion to make a game feature work as intended = to catch a cheater.

7 years ago  #38
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... Well I dont appreciate being called dumb lol maybe not as computer tecky as some people but not Dumb

7 years ago  #39
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I kinda think you missing the point a bit. No one was accused of botting. You said no one accused me of botting when I trained 74m in a week. Why was I not? At that time I trained a record number. I could train more, I could hit 100m + in a week if I had off a week of work. It's possible why should it not be possible for squeeze? That is why I have not accused him of botting. I don't think he does, he just has more time to spend on here than me. Who cares it's a game. You are missing the point about what we are talking about because you do not full on power train. You powertrain some hat then od and spend the time in icu. When you get back to training the bot check cool down is over. It disapearing for you. For those of us that only power trains the bot check stays. So to cheat the bot one only needs to train till bot check then program bot to not hit bot check but train. And they can train forever without hitting bot check. Kinda defeats the point of the bot check. No one wants the random bot check to alternate or to be anoyying. But for those who do power train once bot check comes up. Leave it there like normal for 10-20 mins then pull bot check button then change it after 10-20 mins. It would alow you to get in the groove, and make harder for bots. And it should put little or no extra stress on the server. The reason some people want it is not to target certain players. But to create a lvl playing field for all. Simply put the bot check is in effective at its job, reason it's now and not before is because no one trained before now. It was 170k to get on training list now it's 5m+.

Last edited by andy20 7 years ago

7 years ago  #40
Level 28
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Adding a static element won't add lag. Yall are talking too much for how simple the suggestion is.


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