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2 Changes you won't like, 2 you might.

12 years ago  #1
Level 29
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Gang: Evil Empire
Prison: Louisiana
Incarcerated: 15 years, 3 months
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There are some changes that will be made to the game by Monday, the 26th which should give everyone time to do what they need to before hand.

  • Selling for Favors: We're going to be following the model of cash and making it a % to list for favors. The rate will be 15% of the list price with a minimum charge of 10 favors. It likely won't stop people from selling things for 1 favor, but might curb people using it for unscrupulous means.
  • Cell Upgrades: We're going to switch to the model we use for backpack slots and cell combo expansions. This means it will be cheaper for the lower level people to upgrade their cell and get progressively more expensive vs the flat increase it is now.
Again, you'll have until Sunday night to do whatever you need to before these changes go into effect, but they will go into effect, so be aware.

Two other things we're considering and are welcoming feedback on:

  • Cell Mates: You guys asked for this, and while we never really were fond of it, it's something we may consider. We envision it working where you apply for a "marriage license", link up if accepted and then you'll get a boost from your cell mate's cell (maybe 5-10% of their total gains all the way around). It will likely be prison-locked (meaning you can only initiate with someone in your prison, but if you move prisons it will remain in tact), and there will likely be downsides too such as a raid affecting both cells or something along those lines. This is open for discussion and expansion.
  • Favor Lottery: Pretty straight forward. You put in favors, someone is randomly chosen (like the current amenity lottery), only we'll likely limit winners to those who have actually logged in within the past 36-48 hours or so, and the award will be a % of the total favors put into the lottery.
So, in summary: first 2 changes coming by Monday, second 2 up for discussion.

12 years ago  #2
Status: offline
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 14 years, 8 months
Posts: 2,472

All good changes actually. Nice.

Edit:Thumbs up for favs lotto.

Don't think cell mates is gr8 working idea bcoz as u said overall adverse effects are more too..just my thought though.

Last edited by Jagan 12 years ago

12 years ago  #3
Level 20
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Gang: The Order
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 9 months
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Good Deal Thank you Staff


I don't like the cell mate idea. If I get a cell mate that's not Leah80 she will kick my as in RL, It would be an advantage for her but not for myself I don't like it.

As For the lottery Great idea.

Last edited by Gothy 12 years ago

12 years ago  #4
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Gang: Fuck You
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 4 months
Posts: 5,941

i think cell mate`s is a great idea

12 years ago  #5
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Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 14 years, 8 months
Posts: 2,472

Also,if we list 4 amens together for 50 favs each,the cost will be 15% of total sale price 200 favs or that still remains for each one's rate.?

12 years ago  #6
Level 31
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Gang: MeMyselfnI
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 6 months
Posts: 738

Love the first 2 changes..

Dont like either of the last 2 ideas.. each player should have to earn there stats not scab off someone else.. and the lottery dont like it but not so fussed i guess to each there own..:)

12 years ago  #7
Level 16
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Posts: 234

gr8 job mu! not to big on the cell mate thing tho

12 years ago  #8
Level 22
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not feeling the cellmates the rest is GOOD

12 years ago  #9
Level 32
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i dont like the cell mates thing the better players will just get better and the lesser players wont benefit much from it i wouldnt mind the cell mates being for the lower prisons just not in sd where the big players are... also im pleased that the favor market will be changed especially as the lower players cant get hold of the smaller things which used to be available in abundance also u have made the cheaper upgrades for lower players this is very welcomed also u guys been working hard at it with the event and the change and the shout box etc etc would like to thank the prison block team for all the effort you are all putting in... the game continues to move forward and keeps getting better and better thanks guys

edit : and the lottery is a great idea a few favors could make some1 rich which is good i hope u do put a level cap onit tho as u did with the normal lottery

Last edited by dayna 12 years ago

12 years ago  #10
Level 21
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Gang: The Deplorables
Prison: South Dakota
Incarcerated: 13 years, 8 months
Posts: 2,666

Originally posted by dayna i dont like the cell mates thing the better players will just get better and the lesser players wont benefit much from it i wouldnt mind the cell mates being for the lower prisons just not in sd where the big players are... also im pleased that the favor market will be changed especially as the lower players cant get hold of the smaller things which used to be available in abundance also u have made the cheaper upgrades for lower players this is very welcomed also u guys been working hard at it with the event and the change and the shout box etc etc would like to thank the prison block team for all the effort you are all putting in... the game continues to move forward and keeps getting better and better thanks guys



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